There are seven main energy centers in the body and energy flows into the body from the environment.
This energy circulates within the body between these energy centers via a system of channels similar to blood vessels and it flows back into the environment again. These channels are referred to as meridians in Acupuncture and nadis in Ayurvedic Medicine in India.
Even Western Medicine recognizes that disturbances to the flow of energy is indicative of an illness and records the flow of electrical energy within the body.
Western doctors records electrical activity of the heart by Electrocardiography (ECG), electrical activity of the brain by Electroencephalography (EEG), and electrical activity of the muscles by Electromyography (EMG). There is also electrical activity in other organs and parts of the body.
A bio-energy therapist is able to diagnose a disturbance to the flow of bio-energy by scanning the energy field of the patient using a series of hand movements. The therapist is then able to correct this energy imbalance by manipulating the energy, using another series of hand movements.
Therapy is carried out over four consecutive days and each session lasts about half an hour. As the treatment is being carried out, many patients report feelings of heat, tingling, coolness, or a pulling sensation. These are subjective aspects of bio-energy balancing and release taking place within the body.
The Bio-Energy therapist does not even have to touch the patient and there are no medications to take. There may be slight worsening of the condition after the third day of the treatment, which is an important part of the healing process and is usually, a good sign indicating a return to health.
So give it a go, I did and I feel the benefits.
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