I have realised the true importance of setting realistic, personal, beneficial milestones. I recently gave myself a list of a few achievable milestones that end tomorrow night at midnight tomorrow. The last few days i have been focused with a bias for action to complete the tasks to achieve the tasks on time. I have been in motion all the time, like a moving target. It feels like i am in the flow of energy that is naturally created from the desire to achieve what i set out to do.
There is a 12 step method which i have been following.
Step 1: Desire , intense need for something. this is your goal, this is always something you want for yourself.
Step 2: Belief , you must believe that you have the ability to achieve the goal. Realistic goals are believable to your conscious mind. Make your goals aim for your next level of achievement, make them challenging enough to stretch.
Step 3: Write down your goal. Be precise in every detail. This is the most important single step to change a wish into a goal.
Step 4: Determine how you will be benefit from achieving your goal. Write out the differences you will have in your life from accomplishing your goal. the more you have the more motivation you will have. your desire and belief will grow.
Step 5: Measure your current status, figure out exactly where you are today.
Step 6: Set an exact latest outside date that you will accomplish your goal. must clearly measure start and end so milestones can be identified.
Step 7: Identify all the obstacles you will have to overcome to accomplish your goal. A clear list of obstacles will take the fear out of the obstacles.
Step 8:Clearly identify the knowledge extra required to achieve your goal. What are you going to have to learn.
Step 9: Clearly identify the group[s of people you will need the cooperation from in order to reach your goal. The more you put in the more you get out. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What can you do for these people to ensure we get their cooperation back. Always do more than you get paid for. Concentrate on how you can give in a situation.
Step 10: Take all the details from the last 3 steps and make a plan. Write out all the activities you need to engage in. Prioitise by time and priority. Keep rewriting plan until plan is perfect. All great achievers plan and think over and over again, they are always planning.
Step 11: Get a clear mental image of your goal as already accomplished, as if it were already in existence right now. Play this image/ video over and over again as if it were already in reality.
Step 12: Back your plan with determination and persistence and resolve to Never Ever give up. All great attainment was only accomplished through persistence. No matter how perfect the plan, there are always setbacks. The winners continue to pick themselves up and keep on moving on. Self Discipline is persistence in Action. Your persistence is your measure of your belief in yourself that you can succeed.
Effective time management is the next most important step once you have your goal, but i will cover this another day..
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